2 WSH (JScript VBScript) , WSH 5.6, 1, , , , , ( , ), , . JScript, VBScript, .
( ) : ? Echo WScript; ? Write WriteLine WScript.StdOut; ? MsgBoxVBScript; ? Popup WshShell. Echo WScript
WScript.Echo, JScript VBScript, 2.1 2.2. 2.1. Win- WScript.Echo(JScript) /*******************************************************************/ /* : Echo1.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : WScript.Echo */ /*******************************************************************/ // () WScript.Echo(" Echo (Win-)"); // WScript.Echo(", 1+2=",1+2); /************* *********************************************/2.2. Win- WScript.Echo (VBScript) '******************************************************************* ' : Echo1.vbs ' : VBScript ' : WScript.Echo '******************************************************************* ' () WScript.Echo " Echo (Win-)" ' WScript.Echo ", 1+2=",1+2 '************* ********************************************* Echo1.js (Echo1.vbs) cscript.exe, (. 2.1). wscript.exe, OK (. 2.2). , (. 2.3). , : escape- " \n" JScript vbCrLfVBScript ( 2.3 2.4). ![]() . 2.1. Echo1.js cscript.exe
. 2.2. Echo1.js wscript.exe ![]() . 2.3. 2.3. (JScript) /*******************************************************************/ /* : Echo2.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : (WScript.Echo) */ /*******************************************************************/ var s; // s="\n\n\n"; // WScript.Echo(s); // /************* *********************************************/2.4. (VBScript) '******************************************************************* ' : Echo2.vbs ' : VBScript ' : (WScript.Echo) '******************************************************************* Option Explicit Dim s ' ' s=""&vbCrLf&""&vbCrLf&""&vbCrLf&"" WScript.Echo s ' '************* ********************************************* Write WriteLine WScript.StdOut , , WScript.StdOut( 2.5 2.6). , , StdOut, cscript.exe. , , StdOut1.js wscript.exe, (. 2.4). ![]() . 2.4. , StdOut 2.5. (JScript) /*******************************************************************/ /* : StdOut1.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : StdOut.Write 蠠 */ /* StdOut.WriteLine */ /*******************************************************************/ var n; // n=1+2; // WScript.StdOut.Write(" "); // WScript.StdOut.WriteLine("StdOut.WriteLine"); // WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(", 1+2="+n); /************* *********************************************/2.6. (VBScript) '******************************************************************* ' : StdOut1.vbs ' : VBScript ' : StdOut.Write StdOut.WriteLine '******************************************************************* Option Explicit Dim n ' n=1+2 ' WScript.StdOut.Write " " ' WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "StdOut.WriteLine"
WScript.Echo, WriteLine, ( 2.7 2.8). 2.7. StdOut(JScript) /*******************************************************************/ /* : StdOu2.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : (StdOut.WriteLine) */ /*******************************************************************/ var s; // s="\n\n\n"; // WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(s); // /************* *********************************************/2.8. StdOut(VBScript) '******************************************************************* ' : StdOut2.vbs ' : VBScript ' : (StdOut.WriteLine) '******************************************************************* Option Explicit Dim s ' ' s=""&vbCrLf&""&vbCrLf&""&vbCrLf&"" WScript.StdOut.WriteLine s ' '************* *********************************************
WScript.StdOut Write WriteLine( 2.9 2.10). r 2.9. StdOut(JScript) /*******************************************************************/ /* : StdOut3.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : StdOut.WriteLine */ /*******************************************************************/ var n,StdOut; // n=1+2; StdOut=WScript.StdOut; // StdOut // StdOut StdOut.WriteLine(" StdOut.WriteLine() ..."); StdOut.WriteLine("1+2="+n); /************* *********************************************/r 2.10. StdOut (VBScript) '******************************************************************* ' : StdOut3.vbs ' : JScript ' : StdOut.WriteLine '******************************************************************* Option Explicit Dim n,StdOut ' n=1+2 Set StdOut=WScript.StdOut ' StdOut ' StdOut StdOut.WriteLine " StdOut.WriteLine() ..." StdOut.WriteLine "1+2=" & n '************* ********************************************* MsgBox VBScript VBScript MsgBox, ; (. 2.5). ![]() . 2.5. , MsgBox , , 2.11. 2.11. MsgBox (VBScript) '******************************************************************* ' : MsgBox.vbs ' : VBScript ' : MsgBox '******************************************************************* Dim Res,Text,Title ' Text=" " & vbCrLf & " VBScript" Title="" ' Res=MsgBox(Text,vbOkCancel+vbInformation+vbDefaultButton2,Title) ' , If Res=vbOk Then MsgBox " OK" Else MsgBox " " End If '************* *********************************************
MsgBox1. , MsgBox, ( vbOk vbCancel). , MsgBox, , .. ( OK, , , , , ). Popup WshShell
Popup( 1) , MsgBox, VBScript-, JScript- ( 2.12 2.13). 2.12. Popup(JScript) /*******************************************************************/ /* : Popup.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : WshShell.Popup */ /*******************************************************************/ var WshShell,Res,Text,Title; // // var vbOkCancel=1,vbOk=1; // WshShell WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); Text=" \n WScript"; Title="" // Res=WshShell.Popup(Text,0,Title,vbOkCancel); // , if (Res==vbOk) WshShell.Popup(" OK"); else WshShell.Popup(" "); /************* *********************************************/2.13. Popup(VBScript) '******************************************************************* ' : Popup.vbs ' : VBcript ' : WshShell.Popup '******************************************************************* Option Explicit Dim WshShell,Res,Text,Title ' ' WshShell Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Text=" " & vbCrLf & " WScript" Title="" ' Res=WshShell.Popup(Text,0,Title,vbOkCancel) ' , If (Res=vbOk) Then WshShell.Popup " OK" Else WshShell.Popup " " End If '************* *********************************************
Popup MsgBox nSecToWait, ( ), . , , - .
. -: cscript.exe StdOut, wscript.exe InputBoxVBScript.
WScript.StdIn.ReadLine, <Enter>. , WScript.StdInWindows ( , ) , . , WScript.StdIn.ReadLineDOS-, WScript.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.EchoWindows- ( Windows WScript.StdOut.WriteLineDOS-). DOS- Windows-. , , JScript VBScript , . JScript DosToWin 2.14: function DosToWin(s) { var i,ss; // //, RusDict if (typeof(RusDict)=="undefined") // RusDict , MakeRusDict(); ss=""; for (i=0;i<s.length;i++) { // if (RusDict.Exists(s.charAt(i))) // // i- Windows- ss+=RusDict.Item(s.charAt(i)); else ss+=s.charAt(i); } return ss; } , : Windows-, . DosToWin Dictionary( ) RusDict. MakeRusDict"""" , DOS-, , Windows-: function MakeRusDict() { // Dictionary RusDict = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary"); // "" ( DOS-)-"" ( //Window-) RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); }
DosToWinVBScript- StdIn1.vbs ( 2.15) Windows-, ANSI- : Function DosToWin(s) Dim i,k,ss ss="" For i=1 To Len(s) ' k = Asc(Mid(s,i,1)) ' ANSI- i- ' k ' Windows- If (128 <= k) And (k <= 175) Then k=k+64 ElseIf (224 <= k) And (k <= 239) Then k=k+16 ElseIf k = 240 Then k=168 ElseIf k = 241 Then k=184 End If ss=ss+Chr(k) ' Next DosToWin=ss End Function ANSI- DOS- Windows-, . 2.14.StdIn.ReadLine(JScript) /*******************************************************************/ /* : StdIn1.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : StdIn.ReadLine */ /*******************************************************************/ var s,RusDict; // // Dictionary "-", //""- DOS-, ""- , // Windows- function MakeRusDict() { // Dictionary RusDict = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary"); // "" ( DOS-)-"" ( //Window-) RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); } // DOS- Windows- function DosToWin(s) { var i,ss; // //, RusDict if (typeof(RusDict)=="undefined") // RusDict , MakeRusDict(); ss=""; for (i=0;i<s.length;i++) { // if (RusDict.Exists(s.charAt(i))) // // i- Windows- ss+=RusDict.Item(s.charAt(i)); else ss+=s.charAt(i); } return ss; } /************* *********************************************/ // WScript.StdOut.Write(" : "); s = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine(); // WScript.StdOut.WriteBlankLines(1); // WScript.StdOut.Write(" : "); // Windows- // WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(DosToWin(s)); /************* *********************************************/2.15. StdIn ReadLine (VBScript) '******************************************************************* ' : StdIn1.vbs ' : VBScript ' : StdIn.WriteLine '******************************************************************* ' DOS- Windows- Function DosToWin(s) Dim i,k,ss ss="" For i=1 To Len(s) ' k = Asc(Mid(s,i,1)) ' ANSI- i- ' k ' Windows- If (128 <= k) And (k <= 175) Then k=k+64 ElseIf (224 <= k) And (k <= 239) Then k=k+16 ElseIf k = 240 Then k=168 ElseIf k = 241 Then k=184 End If ss=ss+Chr(k) ' Next DosToWin=ss End Function '************* ********************************************* Dim s ' WScript.StdOut.Write " : " s = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine ' WScript.StdOut.WriteBlankLines 1 ' WScript.StdOut.Write " : " ' Windows- ' WScript.StdOut.WriteLine DosToWin(s) '************* *********************************************
WScript.StdIn.ReadAll, , <Ctrl>+<Z>. , . JScript split string, VBScript Split( 2.16 2.17). 2.16. StdIn.ReadAll(JScript) /*******************************************************************/ /* : StdIn2.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : StdIn.ReadAll */ /*******************************************************************/ var RusDict; // Dictionary "-", //""- DOS-, ""- , // Windows- function MakeRusDict() { // Dictionary RusDict = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary"); // "" ( DOS-)-"" ( //Window-) RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); RusDict.add("", ""); } // DOS- Windows- function DosToWin(s) { var i,ss; // //, RusDict if (typeof(RusDict)=="undefined") // RusDict , MakeRusDict(); ss=""; for (i=0;i<s.length;i++) { // if (RusDict.Exists(s.charAt(i))) // // i- Windows- ss+=RusDict.Item(s.charAt(i)); else ss+=s.charAt(i); } return ss; } /************* *********************************************/ var s,ArrS,i; // // WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(" :"); s = WScript.StdIn.ReadAll(); // WScript.StdOut.WriteBlankLines(3); // ArrS=s.split("\n"); // WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(" : "+ArrS.length); for (i=1;i<=ArrS.length;i++) // Windows- // WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(i+": "+DosToWin(ArrS[i-1])); /************* *********************************************/2.17. StdIn.ReadAll(VBScript) '******************************************************************* ' : StdIn2.vbs ' : VBScript ' : StdIn.ReadAll '******************************************************************* Option Explicit ' DOS- Windows- Function DosToWin(s) Dim i,k,ss ss="" For i=1 To Len(s) ' k = Asc(Mid(s,i,1)) ' ANSI- i- ' k ' Windows- If (128 <= k) And (k <= 175) Then k=k+64 ElseIf (224 <= k) And (k <= 239) Then k=k+16 ElseIf k = 240 Then k=168 ElseIf k = 241 Then k=184 End If ss=ss+Chr(k) Next DosToWin=ss ' End Function '************* ********************************************* Dim s,ArrS,i,ColStr ' ' WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " :" s = WScript.StdIn.ReadAll ' WScript.StdOut.WriteBlankLines 3 ' ArrS=Split(s,vbCrLf) ' ColStr=UBound(ArrS)+1 ' WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " : " & ColStr For i=1 To ColStr ' Windows- ' WScript.StdOut.WriteLine i & ": " & DosToWin(ArrS(i-1)) Next '************* *********************************************/
VBScript , InputBox(. 2.6). ![]() . 2.6. , InputBox, 2.18 ( InputBox . 1). 2.18. InputBox (VBScript) '******************************************************************* ' : InpBox.vbs ' : VBScript ' : InputBox '******************************************************************* Option Explicit Dim s,s1 ' s1="" & vbCrLf & " " & vbCrLf & " " ' s=InputBox(s1," VBScript") ' MsgBox " : " & s '************* *********************************************/ , JScript, WSH , . XML-, 3, VBScript ( InputBox) JScript- ( 3.11). WSH WSH (, - ) , (, , ). WSH WScript: ? - (cscript.exe wscript.exe); ? , -; ? WSH; ? ; ? . , , IsCScript( JScript), true, cscript.exe ( ), false, wscript.exe ( ): function IsCScript() { // , return (""== WScript.FullName.toLowerCase().charAt(WScript.FullName.length- 11)); } , IsCScript, - ("" cscript.exe "w" wscript.exe). , .. , , CurrentDirectory WshShell. , , . , WScript.ScriptFullName, ( ). JScript GetScriptDir: function GetScriptDir() { var ScriptDir; ScriptDir = WScript.ScriptFullName; ScriptDir = ScriptDir.substring(0, ScriptDir.lastIndexOf("\\")); return ScriptDir; } JScript (PropScript.js) VBScript (PropScript.vbs), WSH , 2.19 2.20 ; PropScript.js . 2.7. ![]() . 2.7. PropScript.js 2.19. WSH (JScript) /*******************************************************************/ /* : PropScript.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : */ /*******************************************************************/ // , function IsCScript() { return ("c"== WScript.FullName.toLowerCase().charAt(WScript.FullName.length - 11)); } // , function GetScriptDir() { var ScriptDir; ScriptDir = WScript.ScriptFullName; ScriptDir = ScriptDir.substring(0, ScriptDir.lastIndexOf("\\")); return ScriptDir; } /******************* **********************************/ var WshShell,s; // // WshShell WshShell=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); s=" :\n\n"; //, if (IsCScript()) s+=" \n"; else s+=" \n"; // s+=" : "+WScript.FullName+"\n"; s+=" : "+WScript.Path+"\n"; s+=" WSH: "+WScript.Version+"\n\n"; s+=" : "+ WshShell.CurrentDirectory+"\n"; s+=" : "+WScript.ScriptFullName+"\n"; s+=" : "+GetScriptDir()+"\n"; s+=" : "+WScript.ScriptName+"\n"; WScript.Echo(s); // /************* *********************************************/2.20. WSH (VBScript) '******************************************************************* ' : PropScript.vbs ' : VBScript ' : '******************************************************************* Option Explicit ' , Function IsCScript() IsCScript=("c"=Mid(LCase(WScript.FullName),Len(WScript.FullName)-10,1)) End Function ' , Function GetScriptDir() Dim ScriptDir ScriptDir = WScript.ScriptFullName ScriptDir = Left(ScriptDir, InstrRev(ScriptDir,"\")-1) GetScriptDir=ScriptDir End Function '******************* **********************************/ Dim WshShell,s ' ' WshShell Set WshShell=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") s=" :" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' , If IsCScript() Then s=s & " " & vbCrLf Else s=s & " " & vbCrLf End If ' s=s & " : " & WScript.FullName & vbCrLf s=s & " : " & WScript.Path & vbCrLf s=s & " WSH: " & WScript.Version & vbCrLf & vbCrLf s=s & " : "+ WshShell.CurrentDirectory & vbCrLf s=s & " : " & WScript.ScriptFullName & vbCrLf s=s & " : " & GetScriptDir() & vbCrLf s=s & " : " & WScript.ScriptName & vbCrLf WScript.Echo s ' '************* *********************************************
, , , . , : "_:".
, cscript Example.js /:" " /:30 cscript Example.js /:30 /:" " Example.js : "" " " "" "30". : cscript Example.js " " 30 . WSH -: ? WshArguments( , , ); ? WshNamed( ); ? WshUnnamed( ).
, , - WshArguments; Arguments WScript. JScript: var objArgs=WScript.Arguments;
WshNamed WshUnnamed Named Unnamed WshArguments. : var objNamedArgs=objArgs.Named; var objUnnamedArgs=objArgs.Unnamed;
WshArguments, WshNamed WshUnnamed1. , , , Windows. 2.21 2.22 JScript VBScript, , , . , , . 2.8. ![]() . 2.8. Args.js 2.21. (JScript) /********************************************************************/ /* : Args.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : */ /********************************************************************/ var i,objArgs,s,objNamedArgs,objUnnamedArgs; // objArgs = WScript.Arguments; // WshArguments // s=" : "+objArgs.Count()+"\n"; for (i=0; i<=objArgs.Count()-1; i++) s+=objArgs(i)+"\n"; // objUnnamedArgs=objArgs.Unnamed; // WshUnnamed // s+="\n : "+objUnnamedArgs.length+"\n"; for (i=0; i<=objUnnamedArgs.length-1; i++) // s+=objUnnamedArgs(i)+"\n"; objNamedArgs=objArgs.Named; // WshNamed // s+="\n : "+objNamedArgs.length+"\n"; //, /: if (objNamedArgs.Exists("")) s+=objNamedArgs("")+"\n"; //, /Comp: if (objNamedArgs.Exists("Comp")) s+=objNamedArgs("Comp")+"\n"; WScript.Echo(s); // /************* *********************************************/2.22. (VBScript) '******************************************************************** ' : Args.vbs ' : VBScript ' : '******************************************************************** Option Explicit Dim i,Arg,objArgs,s,objNamedArgs,objUnnamedArgs ' Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments ' WshArguments ' s=" : " & objArgs.Count() & vbCrLf For Each Arg In objArgs s=s & Arg & vbCrLf ' Next Set objUnnamedArgs=objArgs.Unnamed ' WshUnnamed ' s=s & vbCrLf & " : " & objUnnamedArgs.length & vbCrLf For Each Arg In objUnnamedArgs ' s=s & Arg & vbCrLf Next Set objNamedArgs=objArgs.Named ' WshNamed ' s=s & vbCrLf & " : " & objNamedArgs.Length & vbCrLf ' , /: If objNamedArgs.Exists("") Then s=s & objNamedArgs("") & vbCrLf End If ' , /Comp: If objNamedArgs.Exists("Comp") Then s=s & objNamedArgs("Comp") & vbCrLf End If WScript.Echo s ' '************* *********************************************
( , ).
WSH Quit WScript. 2.23 2.24 , , (. 2.9): OK 1, 0. ![]() . 2.9. , Quit.js 2.23. (JScript) /*******************************************************************/ /* : Quit.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : */ /*******************************************************************/ var WshShell,Res,Text,Title; // var vbOkCancel=1,vbOk=1; // // WshShell WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); Text=" "; Title=" "; // Res=WshShell.Popup(Text,0,Title,vbOkCancel); if (Res==vbOk) WScript.Quit(1); else WScript.Quit(0); /************* *********************************************/r 2.24. (VBScript) '******************************************************************* ' : Quit.vbs ' : VBScript ' : '******************************************************************* Option Explicit Dim WshShell,Res,Text,Title ' ' WshShell Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Text=" " Title=" " ' Res=WshShell.Popup(Text,0,Title,vbOkCancel) If Res=1 Then WScript.Quit 1 Else WScript.Quit 0 End If '************* ********************************************* , IF ERRORLEVEL. - 2.25. Quit.js START /WAIT, , - Quit.js. , p 1 ( OK), :Ok ECHO.
Quit.js 0 ( ), ECHO Quit.js2.25. Quit.js (Check.bat) @ OFF REM ************************************************************** REM : check.bat REM : BAT- REM : DOS REM : Quit.js REM ************************************************************** @O OFF ECHO Quit.js... START /W Quit.js REM Quit.js IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO :Ok ECHO Quit.js GOTO :end :Ok ECHO Quit.js Ok :end ( Microsoft Word) , "" , .. - . , : ? CreateObject WScript( WSH); ? new ActiveXObject( JScript); ? CreateObject( VBScript). (ProgID), . JScript: var WA=WScript.CreateObject("Word.Application"); VBScript: Set WA=WScript.CreateObject("Word.Application") ProgID (type library) , tlb, ( , -, , ). ProgID , , .
CreateObject, ProgID . , . ; , , , ( ). , Microsoft Word, ( 2.26 2.27).
Word.Application, Microsoft Word: WA=WScript.CreateObject("Word.Application"); , WD Document: WD=WA.Documents.Add(); , Sel Selection, , : Sel=WA.Selection; PrintInWord.js PrintInWord.vbs Word (. 2.10), PrintOut Document: WD.PrintOut(); ![]() . 2.10. PrintInWord.js 2.26. Microsoft Word (JScript) /*******************************************************************/ /* : PrintInWord.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : ࠠ */ /* (Microsoft Word) */ /*******************************************************************/ var WA,WD,Sel; // // -- Microsoft Word WA=WScript.CreateObject("Word.Application"); // //WA=new ActiveXObject("Word.Application"); WD=WA.Documents.Add(); // ( Document) WA.Visible=true; // Word Sel=WA.Selection; // Selection Sel.Font.Size=14; // Sel.ParagraphFormat.Alignment=1; // Sel.Font.Bold=true; // Sel.TypeText("!\n"); // Sel.Font.Bold=false; // Sel.ParagraphFormat.Alignment=0; // // Sel.TypeText(" WSH."); WD.PrintOut(); // /************* *********************************************/r 2.27. irsft Word (VBScript) '******************************************************************* ' : PrintInWord.vbs ' : VBScript ' : ' (Microsoft Word) '******************************************************************* Option Explicit Dim WA,WD,Sel ' ' -- Microsoft Word Set WA=WScript.CreateObject("Word.Application") ' ' Set WA=CreateObject("Word.Application") Set WD=WA.Documents.Add ' ( Document) WA.Visible=true ' Word Set Sel=WA.Selection ' Selection Sel.Font.Size=14 ' Sel.ParagraphFormat.Alignment=1 ' Sel.Font.Bold=true ' Sel.TypeText "!" & vbCrLf ' Sel.Font.Bold=false ' Sel.ParagraphFormat.Alignment=0 ' ' Sel.TypeText " WSH." WD.PrintOut ' '************* *********************************************
. Windows WSH Run Exec WshShell.
Run( , ). , JScript-: var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); WshShell.Run("notepad", 3); (notepad.exe) ( ) ( Run. 1.13).
Windows Exec. , , WshScriptExec. : var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); var theNotepad = WshShell.Exec("calc");
WshScriptExec Status Status0, , Status1, . , Terminate, , WshScriptExec. 2.28 JScript, Exec (notepad.exe); WshScriptExec theNotepad: theNotepad = WshShell.Exec("notepad"); 1 ( , ), (. 2.11): WScript.Sleep(1000); Text=" (Status="+theNotepad.Status+")\n ?"; Title=""; Res=WshShell.Popup(Text, 0, Title, vbQuestion+vbYesNo); ![]() . 2.11. , ExecWinApp.js Terminate: if (Res==vbYes) { theNotepad.Terminate(); WScript.Sleep(100); WScript.Echo(" (Status="+theNotepad.Status+")"); }2.28. (JScript) /*******************************************************************/ /* : ExecWinApp.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : ( WshScriptExec) */ /*******************************************************************/ var WshShell,theNotepad,Res,Text,Title; // // var vbYesNo=4,vbQuestion=32,vbYes=6,vbNo=7; // WshShell WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); WScript.Echo(" "); // ( WshScriptExec) theNotepad = WshShell.Exec("notepad"); WScript.Sleep(1000); // Text=" (Status="+theNotepad.Status+")\n ?"; Title=""; // Res=WshShell.Popup(Text,0,Title,vbQuestion+vbYesNo); //, if (Res==vbYes) { theNotepad.Terminate(); // // , // WScript.Sleep(100); WScript.Echo(" (Status="+theNotepad.Status+")"); } /************* *********************************************/ VBScript 2.29. r 2.29. (VBScript)'******************************************************************* ' : ExecWinApp.vbs ' : VBScript ' : ( WshScriptExec) '******************************************************************* Option Explicit Dim WshShell,theNotepad,Res,Text,Title ' ' WshShell Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WScript.Echo " " ' ( WshScriptExec) Set theNotepad = WshShell.Exec("notepad") WScript.Sleep 500 ' Text=" (Status=" & theNotepad.Status & ")" & vbCrLf _ & " ?" Title="" ' Res=WshShell.Popup(Text,0,Title,vbQuestion+vbYesNo) ' , If Res=vbYes Then theNotepad.Terminate ' ' , ' WScript.Sleep 100 WScript.Echo " (Status=" & theNotepad.Status & ")" End If '************* *********************************************/ ,
AppActivate WshScript. , (PID) , . PID, ProcessID WshScriptExec, . AppActivate: ? ; ? ; ? AppActivate, . , Windows, . SendKeys WshShell( 1).
Run&ExecWinApp.js ( 2.30), (calc.exe), SendKeys<1>, <+>, <2> <Enter>: theCalculator = WshShell.Exec("calc"); WScript.Sleep(1000); WshShell.AppActivate(theCalculator.ProcessID); WshShell.SendKeys("1{+}"); WshShell.SendKeys("2"); WshShell.SendKeys("~"); // <Enter> 1 , : WScript.Sleep(1000); ( "3") "" <Ctrl>+<C>: WshShell.SendKeys ("^c"); , : WScript.Echo(" "); . , AppActivate, PID : WshShell.AppActivate(theCalculator.ProcessID); , <Alt>+<F4>: WshShell.SendKeys("%{F4}"); (notepad.exe) ( <Ctrl>+<V>): WshShell.Run("notepad"); WScript.Sleep(1000); WshShell.AppActivate("notepad"); WshShell.SendKeys("l{+}2="); WshShell.SendKeys("^v"); WshShell.SendKeys(" {(}{)} Calculator"); , . 2.12. ![]() . 2.12. Run&ExecWinApp.js 2.30. (JScript) /*******************************************************************/ /* : Run&ExecWinApp.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : 蠠 */ /*******************************************************************/ var WshShell, theCalculator; // // WshShell WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); WScript.Echo(" \n 1+2"); // WshScript ( ) theCalculator = WshShell.Exec("calc"); // , , // WScript.Sleep(1000); // WshShell.AppActivate(theCalculator.ProcessID); // WshShell.SendKeys("1{+}"); WshShell.SendKeys("2"); WshShell.SendKeys("~"); // <Enter> WScript.Sleep(1000); // Windows (<Ctrl>+C) WshShell.SendKeys("^c"); // ( ) WScript.Echo(" "); // WshShell.AppActivate(theCalculator.ProcessID); // (<Alt>+<F4>) WshShell.SendKeys("%{F4}"); WScript.Echo(" "); WshShell.Run("notepad"); // // , , // WScript.Sleep(1000); WshShell.AppActivate("notepad"); // // WshShell.SendKeys("1{+}2="); // Windows (<Ctrl>+V) WshShell.SendKeys("^v"); // WshShell.SendKeys(" {(}c{)} Calculator"); /************* *********************************************/ , VBScript-, 2.31. 2.31. (VBScript)'******************************************************************* ' : Run&ExecWinApp.vbs ' : VBScript ' : '******************************************************************* Option Explicit Dim WshShell, theCalculator ' ' WshShell Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WScript.Echo(" " & vbCrLf & " 1+2") ' WshScript ( ) Set theCalculator = WshShell.Exec("calc") ' , , ' WScript.Sleep 500 ' WshShell.AppActivate theCalculator.ProcessID ' WshShell.SendKeys "1{+}" WshShell.SendKeys "2" WshShell.SendKeys "~" ' <Enter> WScript.Sleep 500 ' Windows (<Ctrl>+C) WshShell.SendKeys "^c" ' ( ) WScript.Echo " " ' WshShell.AppActivate theCalculator.ProcessID ' (<Alt>+<F4>) WshShell.SendKeys "%{F4}" WScript.Echo " " WshShell.Run "notepad" ' ' , , ' WScript.Sleep 1000 WshShell.AppActivate "notepad" ' ' WshShell.SendKeys "1{+}2=" ' Windows (<Ctrl>+V) WshShell.SendKeys "^v" ' WshShell.SendKeys " {(}c{)} Calculator" '************* ********************************************* DOS , .. , ( ) DOS Run WshShell. , ( Run true). JScript VBScript 2.32 2.33 . 2.32. (JScript) /*******************************************************************/ /* : RunConApp.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : 蠠 */ /* ࠠ */ /*******************************************************************/ var WshShell, Code; // // WshShell WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); // xcopy "/?" Code=WshShell.Run("xcopy /?",1,true); // WScript.Echo(" : ", Code); /************* *********************************************/r 2.33. (VBSript) '******************************************************************* ' : RunConApp.vbs ' : VBScript ' : ' '******************************************************************* Option Explicit Dim WshShell, Code ' ' WshShell Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ' xcopy "/?" Code=WshShell.Run("xcopy /?",1,true) ' WScript.Echo " : ", Code '************* *********************************************/ DOS ( Windows NT/2000/XP cmd.exe, Windows9 command.com) . cmd.exe, COMSPEC.
2.34 2.35 JScript VBScript, COPY /?( ) DIR %WINDIR%( Windows). , COPY /?, , .. /k, , DIR %WINDIR%, windir.txt, , .. /. 2.34. (JScript) /*******************************************************************/ /* : RunDOSCom.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : DOS */ /*******************************************************************/ var WshShell, Code; // // WshShell WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); // COPY WshShell.Run("%COMSPEC% /k copy /?",1); // DIR WshShell.Run("%COMSPEC% /c dir %WINDIR% > windir.txt",1); /************* *********************************************/2.35. (VBScript) '******************************************************************* ' : RunDOSCom.vbs ' : VBScript ' : DOS '******************************************************************* Option Explicit Dim WshShell, Code ' ' WshShell Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ' COPY WshShell.Run "%COMSPEC% /k copy /?",1 ' DIR WshShell.Run "%COMSPEC% /c dir %WINDIR% > windir.txt",1 '************* *********************************************/ DOS, DOS , .. , -. , , , ( DOS, , DIR | MORE). , ; , WSH . ExecConApp.js ( 2.36), (. 2.13). ![]() . 2.13. ExecConApp.js , , DIR /B(. 2.14). , DIR /B: ObjExec=WshShell.Exec("%COMSPEC% / dir /b"); , . ReadAll, , StdOut ObjExec s: IsBreak=false; for (;;) { // //, DIR if (!ObjExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream) // DIR s+=ObjExec.StdOut.ReadAll(); if (IsBreak) break; // if (ObjExec.Status==1) //, DIR IsBreak=true; else WScript.Sleep(100); // 0,1 } ![]() . 2.14. DIR /B , DIR, .. Status ObjExec1, WScript.Sleep0,1 .
DIR( ObjExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream true), s : ArrS=s.split("\n"); , ArrS: ColFiles=ArrS.length-1; : WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(" : "+ColFiles); for (i=0;i<=ColFiles-1; i++ ) WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(ArrS[i]); // 2.36. (JScript) /*******************************************************************/ /* : ExecConApp.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : */ /*******************************************************************/ // var ObjExec,WshShell,s,IsBreak,ArrS,ColStr,ColFiles,i; // WshShell WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); // DIR ObjExec=WshShell.Exec("%COMSPEC% /c dir /b"); s=""; IsBreak=false; for (;;) { // //, DIR if (!ObjExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream) // DIR s+=ObjExec.StdOut.ReadAll(); if (IsBreak) break; // if (ObjExec.Status==1) //, DIR IsBreak=true; else WScript.Sleep(100); // 0,1 } ArrS=s.split("\n"); // ColFiles=ArrS.length-1; // WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(" : "+ColFiles); for (i=0;i<=ColFiles-1;i++) WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(ArrS[i]); // /************* *********************************************/ VBScript 2.37. 2.37. (VBScript)'******************************************************************* ' : ExecConApp.vbs ' : VbScript ' : '******************************************************************* Option Explicit ' Dim ObjExec,WshShell,s,IsBreak,ArrS,ColStr,ColFiles,i ' WshShell Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ' DIR Set ObjExec=WshShell.Exec("%COMSPEC% /c dir /b") s="" IsBreak=False Do While True ' ' , DIR If (Not ObjExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream) Then ' DIR s=s+ObjExec.StdOut.ReadAll End If If IsBreak Then Exit Do ' End If ' , DIR If ObjExec.Status=1 Then IsBreak=True Else WScript.Sleep 100 ' 0,1 End If Loop ArrS=Split(s,vbCrLf) ' ColFiles=UBound(ArrS) ' WScript.StdOut.WriteLine " : " & ColFiles For i=0 To ColFiles-1 WScript.StdOut.WriteLine ArrS(i) ' Next '************* ********************************************* Windows Windows (, (Desktop) (Start)), . SpecialFolders WshShell WshSpecialFolders, , , ( 1 WshSpecialFolders). 2.38 2.39 JScript VBScript , (. 2.15). ![]() . 2.15. Windows 2.38. (JScript) /******************************************************************/ /* : SpecFold1.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : Windows */ /******************************************************************/ var WshShell, WshFldrs, i, s; // // WshShell WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell"); // WshSpecialFolders WshFldrs = WshShell.SpecialFolders; s=" :\n\n"; // WshFldrs for (i=0;i<= WshFldrs.Count()-1;i++) { // s+=WshFldrs(i)+"\n"; } WScript.Echo(s); /************* *********************************************/r 2.39. (VBScript) '***************************************************************** ' : SpecFold1.vbs ' : VBScript ' : Windows '***************************************************************** Option Explicit Dim WshShell, WshFldrs, SpecFldr, s ' ' WshShell Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") ' WshSpecialFolders Set WshFldrs = WshShell.SpecialFolders s=" :" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' WshFldrs For Each SpecFldr In WshFldrs ' s=s & SpecFldr & vbCrLf Next WScript.Echo s '************* *********************************************/
WshSpecialFolders. , SpecFold2.js ( 2.40) (Desktop), (Favorites) (Programs) (Run) . 2.16. ![]() . 2.16. 2.40. (JScript) /******************************************************************/ /* : SpecFold2.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : Windows */ /******************************************************************/ var WshShell, WshFldrs, s; // // WshShell WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell"); // WshSpecialFolders WshFldrs = WshShell.SpecialFolders; // s=" :\n\n"; s+="Desktop:\t"+WshFldrs("Desktop")+"\n"; s+="Favorites:\t"+WshFldrs("Favorites")+"\n"; s+="Programs:\t"+WshFldrs("Programs"); WScript.Echo(s); // /************* *********************************************/ VBScript 2.41. 2.41. (VBScript)'****************************************************************** ' : SpecFold2.vbs ' : VBScript ' : Windows '****************************************************************** Option Explicit Dim WshShell, WshFldrs, s ' ' WshShell Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") ' WshSpecialFolders Set WshFldrs = WshShell.SpecialFolders ' s=" :" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf s=s+"Desktop:"+WshFldrs("Desktop") & vbCrLf s=s+"Favorites:"+WshFldrs("Favorites") & vbCrLf s=s+"Programs:"+WshFldrs("Programs") WScript.Echo s ' '************* *********************************************/
( , (Start) ..) , : 1. WshSpecialFolders, . 2. CreateShortcut WshShell WshShortcut( WshUrlShortcut) . 3. WshShortcut( WshUrlShortcut). 4. Save WshShortcut (WshUrlShortcut).
WshShortcut(. 2.17): ? (Target); ? (Start in); ? (Shortcut key); ? (Run); ? (Comment). , WshShortcut, . ![]() . 2.17. Windows , Windows , WshShortcut(, , ). Shortcut.js ( 2.42), " .lnk" (notepad.exe), (Programs) , . , Popup WshShell(. 2.18). ![]() . 2.18. ![]() . 2.10. " .lnk" Shell32.dll, System Windows ( Windows 95/98 System), <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<N> (. 2.19). 2.42. (JScript)/*****************************************************************/ /* : Shortcut.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : */ /*****************************************************************/ // var WshShell,MyShortcut,PathTarg,PathIcon,Res,PathShortcut; // var vbYesNo=4,vbQuestion=32,vbYes=6; // WshShell WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); // , Res=WshShell.Popup(" ?\n - \n - ",0, " ",vbQuestion+vbYesNo); if (Res==vbYes) // // PathShortcut = WshShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop"); else // PathShortcut = WshShell.SpecialFolders("Programs"); // - MyShortcut = WshShell.CreateShortcut(PathShortcut+"\\ .lnk"); // PathTarg=WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%\\notepad.exe"); MyShortcut.TargetPath = PathTarg; // MyShortcut.Hotkey = "CTRL+ALT+N"; // SHELL32.dll PathIcon= WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%\\system32\\SHELL32.dll"); MyShortcut.IconLocation = PathIcon+", 1"; MyShortcut.WindowStyle=3; // () MyShortcut.Save(); // WScript.Echo(" |"); /************* *********************************************/ VBScript 2.43. 2.43. (VBScript) '***************************************************************** ' : Shortcut.vbs ' : JScript ' : '***************************************************************** Option Explicit ' Dim WshShell,MyShortcut,PathTarg,PathIcon,Res,PathShortcut ' WshShell Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ' , Res=WshShell.Popup(" ?" & vbCrLf & " - " & vbCrLf & _ " - ",0," ",vbQuestion+vbYesNo) If Res=vbYes Then ' ' PathShortcut = WshShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop") Else ' PathShortcut = WshShell.SpecialFolders("Programs") End If ' - Set MyShortcut = WshShell.CreateShortcut(PathShortcut+"\ .lnk") ' PathTarg=WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%\\notepad.exe") MyShortcut.TargetPath = PathTarg ' MyShortcut.Hotkey = "CTRL+ALT+N" ' SHELL32.dll PathIcon = _ WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%\system32\SHELL32.dll") MyShortcut.IconLocation = PathIcon & ", 1" MyShortcut.WindowStyle=3 ' () MyShortcut.Save ' WScript.Echo " |" '************* ********************************************* Windows Windows , . , , . regedit.exe (. 2.20). ![]() . 2.20. regedit.exe
WshShellWSH : ? ( RegWrite); ? ( RegWrite); ? ( RegRead); ? ( RegDelete).
2.44 Registry.js, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, , .
HKEY_CURRENT_USER ExampleKey, ExampleValue"Value from WSH" (. 2.21). ![]() . 2.21. , Registry.js
ExampleValue ExampleKey. 2.44. (JScript) /********************************************************************/ /* : Registry.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : 젠 */ /********************************************************************/ // var WshShell,Root,Key,Res,SValue,ValueName,SRegValue; // var vbYesNo=4,vbQuestion=32,vbInformation=64,vbYes=6,vbOkOnly=0; Root="HKEY_CURRENT_USER"; // Key="\\ExampleKey\\"; // ValueName="ExampleValue"; // SValue="Value from WSH"; // // WshShell WshShell=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); // Res=WshShell.Popup(" \n"+Root+Key+"?",0, " ",vbQuestion+vbYesNo); if (Res==vbYes) { // // WshShell.RegWrite(Root+Key,""); WshShell.Popup("\n"+Root+Key+" !",0, " ",vbInformation+vbOkOnly); } // Res=WshShell.Popup(" \n"+Root+Key+ValueName+"?",0, " ",vbQuestion+vbYesNo); if (Res==vbYes) { // // WshShell.RegWrite(Root+Key+ValueName,SValue,"REG_SZ"); WshShell.Popup("\n"+Root+Key+ValueName+" !",0, " ",vbInformation+vbOkOnly); // SRegValue=WshShell.RegRead(Root+Key+ValueName); // WshShell.Popup(Root+Key+ValueName+"="+SRegValue,0, " ",vbInformation+vbOkOnly); } // Res=WshShell.Popup(" \n"+Root+Key+ValueName+"?",0, " ",vbQuestion+vbYesNo); if (Res==vbYes) { // // WshShell.RegDelete(Root+Key+ValueName); WshShell.Popup("\n"+Root+Key+ValueName+" !",0, " ",vbInformation+vbOkOnly); } // Res=WshShell.Popup(" \n"+Root+Key+"?",0, " ",vbQuestion+vbYesNo); if (Res==vbYes) { // // WshShell.RegDelete(Root+Key); WshShell.Popup("\n"+Root+Key+" !",0, " ",vbInformation+vbOkOnly); } /************* *********************************************/ VBScript 2.45. r 2.45. (VBScript)'******************************************************************** ' : Registry.vbs ' : VBScript ' : '******************************************************************** Option Explicit ' Dim WshShell,Root,Key,Res,SValue,ValueName,SRegValue Root="HKEY_CURRENT_USER" ' Key="\ExampleKey\" ' ValueName="ExampleValue" ' SValue="Value from WSH" ' ' WshShell Set WshShell=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ' Res=WshShell.Popup(" " & vbCrLf & Root & Key & "?",0,_ " ",vbQuestion+vbYesNo) If Res=vbYes Then ' ' WshShell.RegWrite Root & Key, "" WshShell.Popup "" & vbCrLf & Root & Key & " !",0,_ " ",vbInformation+vbOkOnly End If ' Res=WshShell.Popup(" " & vbCrLf & Root & Key & _ ValueName & "?",0," ",vbQuestion+vbYesNo) If Res=vbYes Then ' ' WshShell.RegWrite Root & Key & ValueName,SValue,"REG_SZ" WshShell.Popup "" & vbCrLf & Root & Key & _ ValueName & " !",0," ",vbInformation+vbOkOnly ' SRegValue=WshShell.RegRead(Root & Key & ValueName) ' WshShell.Popup Root & Key & ValueName & "=" & SRegValue,0,_ " ",vbInformation+vbOkOnly End If ' Res=WshShell.Popup(" " & vbCrLf & Root & Key & _ ValueName & "?",0," ",vbQuestion+vbYesNo) If Res=vbYes Then ' ' WshShell.RegDelete Root & Key & ValueName WshShell.Popup "" & vbCrLf & Root & Key & _ ValueName & " !",0," ",vbInformation+vbOkOnly End If ' Res=WshShell.Popup(" " & vbCrLf & Root & Key & _ "?",0," ",vbQuestion+vbYesNo) If Res=vbYes Then ' ' WshShell.RegDelete Root & Key WshShell.Popup "" & vbCrLf & Root & Key & " !",0,_ " ",vbInformation+vbOkOnly End If '************* *********************************************
, , WshNetwork. : ? , , ; ? , ; ? ; ? , .
, , , WshNetwork: UserName, Domain ComputerName. JScript VBScript, , 2.46 2.47. 2.46. (JScript) /********************************************************************/ /* : NetworkParam.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : 蠠 */ /********************************************************************/ var WshNetwork,s; // // WshNetwork WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network"); s=" :\n\n"; // ComputerName, UserName UserDomain s+=" : "+WshNetwork.ComputerName+"\n"; s+=" : "+WshNetwork.UserName+"\n"; s+=": "+WshNetwork.UserDomain; WScript.Echo(s); /************* *********************************************/2.47. (VBScript) '******************************************************************** ' : NetworkParam.vbs ' : VBScript ' : '******************************************************************** Option Explicit Dim WshNetwork,s,NetwDrives,i,NetwPrinters ' ' WshNetwork Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network") s=" :" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' ComputerName, UserName UserDomain s=s & " : " & WshNetwork.ComputerName & vbCrLf s= s & " : " & WshNetwork.UserName & vbCrLf s= s & ": " & WshNetwork.UserDomain WScript.Echo s '************* *********************************************
WshNetwork EnumNetworkDrives EnumPrinterConnections, , , , . : , , . . 2.48 2.49 JScript VBScript , , , (. 2.22). ![]() . 2.22. ListNetworkResources.js 2.48. (JScript) /********************************************************************/ /* : ListNetworkResources.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : ( ) */ /********************************************************************/ var WshNetwork,s,NetwDrives,i,NetwPrinters; // // WshNetwork WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network"); /***** ******/ s=" :\n\n"; // NetwDrives = WshNetwork.EnumNetworkDrives(); i=0; while (i<=NetwDrives.Count()-2) { // // , // - .. s+=NetwDrives(i)+" "+NetwDrives(i+1)+"\n"; i=i+2; } WScript.Echo(s); // /****** ******/ s=" :\n\n"; // NetwPrinters = WshNetwork.EnumPrinterConnections(); i=0; while (i<=NetwPrinters.Count()-2) { // // , // - .. s+=NetwPrinters(i)+" "+NetwPrinters(i+1)+"\n"; i=i+2; } WScript.Echo(s); // /************* *********************************************/2.49. (VBScript) '******************************************************************** ' : ListNetworkResources.vbs ' : JScript ' : ( ) '******************************************************************** Option Explicit Dim WshNetwork,s,NetwDrives,i,NetwPrinters ' ' WshNetwork Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network") '******** ⠠ ********* s=" :" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' Set NetwDrives = WshNetwork.EnumNetworkDrives() i=0 While i<=NetwDrives.Count()-2 ' ' , ' - .. s=s & NetwDrives.Item(i) & " " & NetwDrives.Item(i+1) & vbCrLf i=i+2 Wend WScript.Echo s ' '******** ⠠ ******* s=" :" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' Set NetwPrinters = WshNetwork.EnumPrinterConnections() i=0 While i<=NetwPrinters.Count()-2 ' ' , ' - .. s=s & NetwPrinters.Item(i) & " " & NetwPrinters.Item(i+1) & vbCrLf i=i+2 Wend WScript.Echo s ' '************* *********************************************
( ) . (, :, D: : ( ), F: K:, :). ( Windows), ( MS-DOS).
JScript- MapResources.js ( 2.50), K: \\RS_NT_Server\d LPT1 \\104_Stepankova\HP. WshNetwork WshShell: WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network"); WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); K:, , ( ). RemoveNetworkDrive: WshNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive(Drive); ( Drive "K:"). (, K: ), RemoveNetworkDrivetry trycatchJScript, : try { // WshNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive(Drive); } catch (e) { // if (.number != 0) { // IsError=true; Mess=" "+Drive + "\n : "+ .number+"\n: " + .description; WshShell.Popup(Mess, 0, " ", vbCritical); } }
RemoveNetworkDrive catch, - ( .number, .description); (. 2.23). ![]() . 2.23. , K: K: , (. 2.24): if (!IsError) { // Mess=" "+Drive+" "; WshShell.Popup(Mess, 0, " ", vbInformation); } ![]() . 2.24. K:
trycatch: try { // WshNetwork.MapNetworkDrive(Drive, NetPath); } catch (e) { // if (e != 0) { // IsError=true; Mess=" " + Drive + " " + NetPath+ "\n : "+.number + "\n: "+.description; WshShell.Popup(Mess, 0, " ", vbCritical); , , , , , , . 2.25. ![]() . 2.25. , K: ( RemovePrinterConnection), ( AddPrinterConnection) , , . 2.50. (JScript) /********************************************************************/ /* : MapResources.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : ⠠ */ /********************************************************************/ // var WshNetwork,WshShell,Drive,NetPath,Port,NetPrinter,Mess,IsError; // var vbCritical=16,vbInformation=64; Drive="K:"; // //NetPath="\\\\RS_NT_Server\\d"; // NetPath="\\\\RS_NT_Server\\d"; // Port="LPT1"; // // NetPrinter="\\\\104_Stepankova\\HP"; // WshNetwork WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network"); // WshShell WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); /************* ***********************/ IsError=false; try { // WshNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive(Drive); } catch (e) { // if (e != 0) { // IsError=true; Mess=" "+Drive+"\n : "+ e.number+"\n: "+e.description; WshShell.Popup(Mess,0," ",vbCritical); } } if (!IsError){ // Mess=" "+Drive+" "; WshShell.Popup(Mess,0," ",vbInformation); } /************* ***********************/ IsError=false; try { // WshNetwork.MapNetworkDrive(Drive,NetPath); } catch (e) {// if (e != 0) { // IsError=true; Mess=" " + Drive + " " + NetPath+ "\n : "+e.number+"\n: "+e.description; WshShell.Popup(Mess,0," ",vbCritical); } } if (!IsError){ // Mess=" "+Drive+" "+NetPath; WshShell.Popup(Mess,0," ",vbInformation); } /************* ***********************/ IsError=false; try { // WshNetwork.RemovePrinterConnection(Port); } catch (e) { if (e != 0) { // // IsError=true; Mess=" "+Port+"\n : "+ e.number+"\n: "+e.description; WshShell.Popup(Mess,0," ",vbCritical); } } if (!IsError){ // Mess=" "+Port+" "; WshShell.Popup(Mess,0," ",vbInformation); } /***** *********/ IsError=false; try { // WshNetwork.AddPrinterConnection(Port,NetPrinter); } catch (e) { // if (e != 0) { // IsError=true; Mess=" "+Port+ " "+NetPrinter+ "\n : "+e.number+"\n: "+e.description; WshShell.Popup(Mess,0," ",vbCritical); } } if (!IsError){ // Mess=" "+Port+" "+NetPrinter; WshShell.Popup(Mess,0," ",vbInformation); } /************* *********************************************/ VBScript 2.51. . VBScript On Error Resume Next, . Err, Number Description. 2.51. (VBScript) '******************************************************************** ' : MapResources.vbs ' : VBScript ' : '******************************************************************** Option Explicit ' Dim WshNetwork,Drive,NetPath,Port,NetPrinter Drive="K:" ' NetPath="\\RS_NT_Server\d" ' Port="LPT1" ' ' NetPrinter="\\104_Stepankova\HP" ' WshNetwork Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network") ' WshShell Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") On Error Resume Next ' '************* *********************** ' WshNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive Drive If Err.Number<>0 Then Mess=" " & Drive & vbCrLf & _ " : " & e.number & vbCrLf &+ _ ": " & e.description WshShell.Popup Mess,0," ",vbCritical Else ' Mess=" " & Drive & " " WshShell.Popup Mess,0," ",vbInformation End If '************* *********************** ' WshNetwork.MapNetworkDrive Drive,NetPath If Err.Number<>0 Then Mess=" " & Drive & " " & NetPath &_ " : " & e.number & ": " & e.description WshShell.Popup Mess,0," ",vbCritical Else ' Mess=" " & Drive & " " & NetPath WshShell.Popup Mess,0," ",vbInformation End If '************* *********************** ' WshNetwork.RemovePrinterConnection Port If Err.Number<>0 Then Mess=" " & Port & " : " &_ e.number & ": " & e.description WshShell.Popup Mess,0," ",vbCritical Else ' Mess=" " & Port & " " WshShell.Popup Mess,0," ",_ vbInformation End If '***** ********* ' WshNetwork.AddPrinterConnection Port,NetPrinter If Err.Number<>0 Then Mess=" " & Port & " " & NetPrinter &_ " : " & e.number & ": " & e.description WshShell.Popup Mess,0," ",vbCritical Else ' Mess=" " & Port & " " & NetPrinter WshShell.Popup Mess,0," ", vbInformation End If '************* ********************************************* . 5.6 WSH , , ( ). WSH- (remote scripts). , . DCOM Distributed ( ) , . , , . WSH . -, Windows NT (SP 3)/Windows 2000/Windows ( Windows 95/98/ME ). -, , , , . -, ( ). 1 : HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings\Remote() ( , ). 0, , . , HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings\Remote() 1. 0, , .
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings\IgnoreUserSettings() 1, () (). () 0, WSH () (). Windows , wscript.exe : wscript.exe -regserver wscript.exe, ( ). , WScript.Echo WshShell.Popup( ). RemoteShortcut.js ( 2.52), AllUserDesktop ( ). , D:, \\Stand. 2.52. (JScript)/*****************************************************************/ /* : RemoteShortcut.js */ /* : 堠 */ /*****************************************************************/ var WshShell,MyShortcut,PathTarg,PathShortcut; // WshShell WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); // "AllUsersDesktop" ( // ) PathShortcut = WshShell.SpecialFolders("AllUsersDesktop"); // - MyShortcut = WshShell.CreateShortcut(PathShortcut+ "\\From Remote WSH.lnk"); // PathTarg=WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%\\notepad.exe"); MyShortcut.TargetPath = PathTarg; MyShortcut.Save(); // /************* *********************************************/ RemoteShortcut.js \\Stand RunRemoteScript.js ( 2.53). WshController: Controller = WScript.CreateObject("WshController");
WshRemote\\Stand, , D:\RemoteScript.js: RemScript = Controller.CreateScript("D:\\RemoteScript.js", "stand");
Execute: RemScript.Execute(); , while Status WshRemote( status, 2, , ): while (RemScript.Status != 2) // WScript.Sleep(100); // 0,1
Sleep WScript, ( 2.53). 2.53. (JScript) /********************************************************************/ /* : RunRemoteScript.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : */ /********************************************************************/ var Controller, RemScript; // // WshController Controller = WScript.CreateObject("WshController"); // ( WshRemote) RemScript = Controller.CreateScript("D:\\RemoteScript.js", "stand"); RemScript.Execute(); // WScript.Echo(" "); while (RemScript.Status != 2) // WScript.Sleep(100); // 0,1 WScript.Echo(" "); /************* *********************************************/ 2.54 RunRemoteScript.js VBScript. 2.54. (VBScript)'******************************************************************** ' : RunRemoteScript.vbs ' : VBScript ' : '******************************************************************** Option Explicit Dim Controller, RemScript ' ' WshController Set Controller = WScript.CreateObject("WshController") ' ( WshRemote) Set RemScript = Controller.CreateScript("D:\\RemoteScript.js", "stand") RemScript.Execute ' WScript.Echo " " While RemScript.Status <> 2 ' WScript.Sleep 100 ' 0,1 Wend WScript.Echo " " '************* *********************************************
Status, Start( ), Error( ) End( ) WshRemote; JScript VBScript 2.55 2.56. , , ConnectObject, -: Controller = WScript.CreateObject("WshController"); RemScript = Controller.CreateScript("D:\\RemoteScript.js ", "stand"); WScript.ConnectObject(RemScript, "RemoteScript_");
RemoteScript_Start, RemoteScript_Error RemoteScript_End, . 2.55. WshRemote(JScript) /**********************************************************************/ /* : RemoteEvents.js */ /* : JScript */ /* : , */ /* */ /**********************************************************************/ var Controller,RemScript,IsQuit; // // WshController Controller = WScript.CreateObject("WshController"); // ( WshRemote) RemScript = Controller.CreateScript("D:\\RemoteScript.js ", "stand"); // WshRemote WScript.ConnectObject(RemScript, "RemoteScript_"); RemScript.Execute(); // IsQuit = false; while (!IsQuit) WScript.Sleep(100); // 0,1 WScript.Quit(); // /*************** - ***********************/ function RemoteScript_End() { // End WScript.Echo(" "); IsQuit = true; } function RemoteScript_Error() { // Error // WScript.Echo(" : " + RemScript.Error.Description); IsQuit = true; } function RemoteScript_Start() { // Start WScript.Echo(" "); } /************* *********************************************/2.56. WshRemote (VBScript) '******************************************************************** ' : RemoteEvents.vbs ' : VBScript ' : , ' '******************************************************************** Option Explicit Dim Controller,RemScript,IsQuit ' ' WshController Set Controller = CreateObject("WshController") ' ( WshRemote) Set RemScript = Controller.CreateScript("D:\RemoteScript.js ", "stand") ' WshRemote WScript.ConnectObject RemScript, "RemoteScript_" RemScript.Execute ' IsQuit = False While Not IsQuit WScript.Sleep 100 ' 0,1 Wend WScript.Quit ' '*************** - *********************** Function RemoteScript_End() ' End WScript.Echo " " IsQuit = True End Function Function RemoteScript_Error() ' Error ' WScript.Echo " : " & _ RemScript.Error.Description IsQuit = True End Function Function RemoteScript_Start() ' Start WScript.Echo " " End Function '************* *********************************************
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